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    01. S&D Club Mix
    CC.K, Scoon and Delore, CvB

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    02. CC.K Remix
    CC.K, Scoon and Delore, CvB


CcK meets Soon and Delore – not gonna save the World

Scoon & Delore gelang in Kooperation mit Future Breeze und dem Remake ihres Hits „Temple of Dreams“ ein Achtungserfolg, der in den clubs der Nation rauf und runter lief. Ihr Achtungs Erfolg auf Planet Punk Music wird nun mit Ihrer Follow up Single „Not Gonna Save the World“ wohl noch getoppt. In Kooperation mit Deutschlands wohl aufstebendsten Producer Cc.K. entstand dieser Track, der das Level in diesem Genre direkt eine Latte höher legt.

Anspruchsvoll Vocals gepaart mit extrem emotionalen Flächen machen dieses Stück zu einem Meisterwerk mit Gänsehaut Garantie !


In 2010/2011 two Munich guys Scoon & Delore had their debut release on Planet Punk Music and they created the song „Temple of Dreams“, in cooperation with Future Breeze, which was played across the country.

Now Scoon & Delore are back with one of the most famous dance producers Cc.K Germany, once again trying to top their last hit. With“Not Gonna Save the World“ they are releasing one of their self-written songs, with a mixture of Hard Drums and contemporary harmonies penetrate the market. „Not Gonna Save the World“ is a song that has already caused for a lot of conversation before it has even been released. The guys are confident that this release will pump up the club.

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