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Dj Kuba and Ne!tan – Another Day

DJ Kuba & NE!TAN are two talented dj’s and producers with one big passion and that is music.

They have already played in a lot of clubs around Europe.

DJ Kuba & NE!TAN released also various solo singles which were a big success, so they decided to

that it was time to start a full collaboration….

All the colors of the rainbow seem to bring you bass.

We hope you´ll like it and appreciate your support! Feedback is always welcome 😉

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    01. Radio Edit
    Dj Kuba and Neitan

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    02. Extended Mix
    Dj Kuba and Neitan

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    01. Razzia 2.5 (Felix Harrer Remix)
    Rob & Chris, Tom Mountain, Felix Harrer

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    01. Fade To Grey
    Rocco, Perfect Pitch, L'EXAIS

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    01. And So It Begins
    Allan Berndtz, Andy Miller

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